How do I assign keys in

Specific keys can be located for updates under the Keys drop-down

Specific keys can be searched for using the Keys drop down in the menu at the top of the screen. Simply enter a serial number from a key (with or without the letter at the beginning) into the search bar and click Find.


This will pull up the key serial number that was searched. On the results page you can see the serial number, any key stamping, the keyway, the key name (when applicable), to whom the key is issued to, the status of the key (issued, prior step key, deactivated or future rekeying kit key, shown as “Mailer”), the system associated with that key, and the DHI.


Once you have located a specific key in the search results, click on the key serial number (in red) to go to the Key Detail Page.


The grey panel on the right includes actions, reports and other functions available for that particular key.

If you click on View Key History under Reports in the grey panel you will see the full history of that key below the main Key Detail, including all of the key holders who have ever been assigned that key.


To assign a key to a user (key holder), search for the key serial number and click on the serial number in the search results, bringing you again to the Key Detail Page. The Key Detail shows who the key is currently assigned to. In the case of this key, it is assigned to Jennifer Flemming.


In the event that Jennifer leaves the organization and returns her key, it can be reassigned to the location until it is ready to be issued to another key holder. To do that, click on the bubble next to Location. Use the drop down below that to select the appropriate location to assign the key to. Then, click Update Key in the grey panel on the right.


Verify that the change has been made, indicated by who the key is currently assigned to and the update notification at the bottom.


When the key is ready to be assigned to a new key holder, the same process is followed by toggling to the User bubble and selecting the new key holder from the drop down.

Having a new key holder sign a key receipt is just as simple. A key receipt is used for enhancing key holder accountability and compliance. After assigning the key in, click on Key Receipt under Other Functions in the grey panel on the right.


This will pull up a key receipt showing who the key is assigned to, who is assigning the key, details of the key being assigned. This key receipt can be printed to be physically signed, it can be signed directly on the screen, or for contactless key assignment, it can be emailed and signed from any smart device (recommended). Having a key receipt signed remotely can be done with the Request E-Signature button at the bottom left.
