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Can location data be fed to SecurityRecords.com automatically?

InstaKey offers Data Services to help streamline the process of sending and receiving location updates

Feeding Location Data to SecurityRecords.com®

If you are looking for a more efficient method of inputting Location data into SecurityRecords.com, we’ve developed a solution. You can align Locations in the software to your HR data, through a direct upload. This data can be delivered to InstaKey via a webAPI or as a flat file sent over a secure FTP site.

The upload involves a two steps process:

  1. An initial bulk upload must be sent with all the Locations that need to be loaded (for some clients this is a one-time upload).
  2. After the initial upload, incremental uploads need to be set up to refresh the data stored in Security Records.

The Location Import will accept the following fields. Your data must match field name, field
format and must not exceed the field length.

[LocationName] [varchar](200) NOT NULL
[ParentLocationName] [varchar](200)
[Address1] [varchar](100) NULL
[Address2] [varchar](100) NULL
[City] [varchar](50) NULL
[StateID] [char](2) NULL
[Zip] [varchar](10) NULL
[CountryID] [char](2) NULL
[Phone] [varchar](25) NULL
[Phone2] [varchar](25) NULL
[Fax] [varchar](25) NULL
[Notes] [varchar](MAX) NULL
[IsSendTo] [bit] NULL
[PrimaryContact] [varchar](50) NULL
[PrimaryContactEmail] [varchar](255) NULL
[PrimaryContactTitle] [varchar](100) NULL
[SecondaryContact] [varchar](50) NULL
[SecondaryContactEmail] [varchar](255) NULL
[CustLocIdentifier] [varchar](50) NULL
[ParentLocIdentifier] [varchar](50) NULL
[IsResidential] [bit] NULL
[InactiveDate] [datetime] NULL
(Location Display Name)
(Parent Location Display Name)
(Location Address1)
(Location Address2)
(Location City)
(Location State)
(Location Zip)
(Location Country)
(Location Phone)
(Location Alternate Phone)
(Location Fax)
(Location Associated Notes)
(Is This Location Eligible for Shipments)
(Location Point of Contact (POC))
(Email Unique to Location / Location POC)
(Title of Location Point of Contact)
(Alternate Point of Contact)
(Alternate Point of Contact Email)
(Unique Store Number or Location ID)
(Unique Parent Store Number / Location ID)
(Flag if Location is a Residence)
(Date Location Closed)

Initial Upload

The initial upload should have all the Locations you want to include in the Security Records database. For the initial upload, the data should be sent to a pipe delimited text file. This will help ensure that the import is accepted correctly. Once the data is confirmed with the client, changes can be sent via FTP or the webAPI.

Incremental Uploads

After the initial full upload, the client will only forward records where the data has changed. This will cut down on the size of data sent but still allow the data in Security Records to be current. InstaKey will then update all the fields in the database for existing Locations or Deactivate them if necessary.

  • Adding Locations: InstaKey will attempt to match the customer LocationIdentifier field or Name field from the feed to the corresponding fields in Security Records. If the Location is not found, they will be added.
  • Modify Locations: If the Location is identified, all fields will be updated from the records
  • Inactive Date: If the Inactive Date field is populated, the Location record will be flagged
    as deleted in Security Records, but Location information will not be physically deleted
    from the database for historical purposes.
Note: If you do not include certain fields in the feed that were populated before, the
existing data in records will be deleted. For instance, if you send over a Location phone
number change, but did not include the address, the new phone number will populate,
but the address will be deleted from Security Records.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Setup

To begin setting up the process for the FTP, please email the InstaKey Development Team at InstaKeyDev@instakey.com.

You will be provided with a unique Username and Password to access the InstaKey FTP site at ftp.instakey.com.

For security purposes, these credentials will be unique to you and will only work for your access.